Water Color Painting

Thursday, April 26, 2018, 10:30 pm, 51°F (10°C), Clear night

Thank you Smita, Rupa, Paru, Vijay, Raksha, Dr. Harish Rawal, Suchi, Nina Kikani, Dr. Kirit Shah and all other well-wishers for your kind words and support. This is the fuel that keeps up my spirits and the flame alight!

In the last few days, I have touched on the medical aspect of Sumi’s disease. I may have answered many questions and at the same time raised others. Along with “writing in the moment”, I will continue to flash back to the early years since Sumi was diagnosed and how the disease progressed.

To continue to keep my equilibrium and well-being, today woke up little early and went to the bi-weekly “The Art for Caregivers” class. The morning drive was refreshing with crisp air and blue skies and sprouted tulips on may front yards of houses along the way in Birmingham. Today we learned how to paint tulips using water color by brushing plain water on the clean white paper in the oval shape of tulips and then dabbing the colors with the brush. As the paint hits the wetted paper it spreads on the paper. We started with light color (yellow) and progressed to the darker colors. We learned how to mix basic colors to achieve different color blends for tulips, leaves and the stems.

Per Peggy, Sumi was very good today in my absence. Ate good breakfast, got ready without any issues. Later on, Sumi and I took advantage of a beautiful day and walked in the Rochester park.
Water Color Painting